takamichi beauty room

A small and mystical shop in Gramercy Park stacked with unique curiosities of luxurious quality, each piece with a story. The shop is a quiet and sensible room with an undeniable mystique; anything that can be selected from a shelf has a powerful way of inviting the senses to explore further, and there are one or two members of the beauty room's close-knit management always present to share the history of or an anecdote with each item.

I have had the pleasure of discovering precious candles, perfumes, and jewelry in this shop; all on unassuming occassions with chance pop-in's as I rounded the corner to my home. The specialty of this store sparked a tradition for me; there is a candle found here that I gift to cherished loved ones on remarkable occassions. I selected the candle with discernment and further bonded to the sentimental and fun summertime story that came along with it.

With gratitude and inspiration to the distinctive co-founder, Marie, thank you.


ming yu wang


chan luu