ming yu wang

As I scrupulously investigated the newly displayed jewelry without interruption, a woman stood in the corner of the shop, graceful and observant. I decided the pieces were a refreshing combination of material, shape, weight and finish; as I turned toward the woman, she smiled at me with warm anticipation. She introduced herself as the Founder and Designer of Ming Yu Wang, the line of jewelry in front of me. A kindred spirit at the outset, I found a connection with her designs. Ming Yu Wang jewelry is elegant and timeless, yet pretty with a rock-and-roll edge- a style I have not felt in jewelry.

Designed by a heart missing its full identity and craving to connect the culture of her childhood with an Americanized life, she dug deep and transformed a feeling into a jewelry line. This is a brand inspired by the women in her community gathering to play Mahjong. As a young girl, she intently noted the womens hands- their quick, sublte movements and how stylishly decorated with jewelry they were; a remarkable power on both accounts. Today she pays homage to the elegance and power displayed by those women when they had the chance to express it. Through her wearable art, she shares with us what it feels like to harness power in focus, elegance, and feminitiy. This is the rock-and-roll edge I feel when I wear the Shell ring.

Timeless design seems to originate from a yearning to connect meaningul memory with the present and the desire to share that memory, that feeling, with others. Embracing self discovery, following heart, acting on courage, and accepting a grander purpose beyond self are the roots of creation. The genesis of Ming Yu Wang emulates the same.


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