Dear Heloise

Dear Heloise (of Christine and the Queens):

I am writing this letter to express my eternal gratitude for your artistry. Every aspect of the musical production that you compose resonates with me, physically and spiritually, a new experience that I have not had with music before. Each song is its own epic through the harmonies, your voice, the instrumentation, the lyrics, and the choreography. Because you have chosen to foster and share your personal evolution, a passion has reignited within me. I have not only been the benefactor of awakening, but tremendous pain and suffering has unraveled and healed in large part due to your music’s ability to unearth the shadows in my soul; shadows that I did not realize existed as deeply as they had. I first discovered your songs iT and Christine in 2015 and revisited your work this past year which happened to be a turning point in my life. I love deeply each album and play them for hours on end when I need to express raw emotion. I am so grateful for your example and voice as I have moved along my path of self-acceptance, love, joy, and transformation. Your music feels like Spirit to me and has gotten my body moving again almost as if I’ve recovered a spark, intellect, power, and sensuality that I lost a long time ago. I thank you for being accessible in the way you talk about your songs and perform from a place of total honesty as if you are sitting in your living room or looking in the mirror. It is impressive to me that you have translated songs from French to English because the experience is indeed different and to have both versions is very important. Your choreography has had another groundbreaking effect on me, and I love you for expressing yourself through dance in a way that feels good to you. Many of your songs can be listened to from a place of levity, frisk, fun and you have given me new sounds and words for the feeling of romance and newly found love. You are bridging culture and history and you are connecting spirituality to human experience.  I thank you from the bottom of my soul, you are a powerful and stellar talent. 

With Love.